Season 3 Episode 22
Runtime: 43 mins
Lost S3 E22
Lost Season 3 Episode 22 & 23
Through the Looking Glass
In this double-length episode, Jack's plan to kill the Others backfires, and Sayid, Jin, and Bernard are held hostage by the Others at the beach. Led by Rousseau, the castaways travel to the radio tower to turn off Rousseau's transmission. Naomi makes contact with her boat, but is stabbed by Locke, who along with Ben, believes that the survivors are making a mistake. After successfully shutting down the jammer, Charlie makes contact with Penny Widmore in the underwater Dharma station and discovers that Naomi's boat has nothing to do with Penny, but Charlie drowns in the communications room when Mikhail detonates a hand grenade outside the porthole. Before drowning, Charlie warns Desmond by writing on his hand, "Not Penny's Boat." Sawyer, Juliet, and Hurley rescue the castaways at the beach. Instead of flashbacks, flashforwards show Jack's miserable life after rescue from the island, culminating in a meeting with Kate in which Jack says that they weren't supposed to leave and must go back to the island.
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