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Better Call Saul
Season 1 Episode 1

Runtime: 53 mins

Better Call Saul S1 E1

Better Call Saul Season 1 Episode 1


Following the events of Breaking Bad, Saul Goodman lives as "Gene Takavic," manager of a Cinnabon in Omaha, Nebraska. After work, he watches a VHS tape of a 2005 Saul Goodman TV ad. In 2002, Jimmy McGill (Saul's birth name) is a struggling public defender in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He attempts to convince Craig and Betsy Kettleman, who are accused of embezzlement, to retain him. Jimmy cares for his brother Chuck, who is semi-reclusive and believes he has electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Jimmy also confronts Howard Hamlin of Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill (HHM) when Howard attempts to buy Chuck out with a token payment, demanding that HHM pay Chuck for his partnership's full value. The Kettlemans hire HHM, so Jimmy orchestrates a phony vehicle-pedestrian accident for Betsy, in hopes of getting another opportunity to win her over. Jimmy's accomplices, twins Lars and Cal, accidentally target the wrong car, which is driven by an elderly woman. Lars and Cal try to convince her to pay and follow her into her house. Jimmy arrives soon after and is pulled into the house at gunpoint by psychopathic drug lord Tuco Salamanca.


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