Black Mirror
Full Episodes

Special: White Christmas
Film: Bandersnatch
Black Mirror • Plot Summary
Black Mirror has become the anthology series that forces us to examine ourselves, and the increasingly technological world in which we inhabit, through the screen we have pointed at ourselves at all times.
The anthology series has set out to consider the anxieties of our technological era. It warns—not that our advanced tools are bad—but that humans can misuse our own creations. It takes risks with storytelling, and it has even predicted a number of actual real world events, with episodes that have come eerily close to depicting Brexit and Trump before they happened.
Set in a world only minutes from our own, "Black Mirror" unveils how modern technologies can backfire and be used against their makers. Every Black Mirror episode is set in a slightly different reality with different characters combating different types of technologies.
Black Mirror • Season 1
Black Mirror begins with a disquieting shudder in a canny first season that will instantly hook viewers into a brave new world of alienation. The stories in the show are novel enough to draw us in, yet familiar enough to become a warped reflection of ourselves and our culture.
Black Mirror • Season 2
Another compact season of Black Mirror delivers chilling, insightful, and even emotionally wrought stories about technology that stay with the audience long after viewing.
Black Mirror • White Christmas
This yuletide nightmare gifts Black Mirror fans with a bleak mind-twister of an episode and a stocking stuffer of existential dread. Christmas will never be the same again!
Black Mirror • Season 3
Black Mirror answers the call for a larger season with a double batch of solid episodes that prove Charlie Brooker remains a masterful dystopian storyteller.
Black Mirror • Season 4
Black Mirror proves with its fourth season that the series still has ample source material to terrify fans with technology that is now -- or soon could become -- an integral part of our lives.
Black Mirror • Bandersnatch
While Bandersnatch marks an innovative step forward for interactive content, its meta narrative can't quite sustain interest over multiple viewings -- though it provides enough trademark Black Mirror tech horror to warrant at least one watch.
Black Mirror • Season 5
Though Black Mirror's abbreviated fifth season never quite reaches the heights (or surprises) of previous installments, it remains one of TV's strangest philosophical offerings -- for better or worse.
Are you a Black Mirror fan? You can watch all the episodes of the TV show Black Mirror for free on VideoPio.Com.
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