Black Mirror
Season 3 Episode 5
Runtime: 60 mins
Black Mirror S3 E5
Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 5
Men Against Fire
Soldiers are exterminating mutated humans called "roaches" in a foreign country, using a neural implant called MASS, which enhances their senses and provides instant data via augmented reality. When soldier Stripe encounters several aggressive roaches, one of them uses a mysterious device that disrupts his MASS interface. The next day, Stripe starts seeing roaches as humans, and tries to save a frightened woman from his fellow female soldier, Hunter. The woman tells him that MASS disguises the fact that roaches are regular humans, hated by everyday civilians due to propaganda and prejudice. Hunter knocks Stripe unconscious and brings him back to the military base, where he is incarcerated. An officer named Arquette reveals to him that the true purpose of the MASS implants is to dehumanise the enemy, allowing soldiers to kill them more efficiently, as part of a eugenics program. Arquette threatens to imprison Stripe, endlessly looping raw footage of him killing ordinary humans during his service, unless he consents to have his MASS system reset. In the future, Stripe returns home and sees a beautiful woman waiting for him, but this is revealed to be a figment created by the MASS implant.
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