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Season 1 Episode 2

Runtime: 40 mins

Lost S1 E2

Lost Season 1 Episode 2

Pilot (Part 2)

Kate, Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie, Shannon and Boone head out to take the transceiver inland in an attempt to reach higher ground and get a better signal. Along the way they are attacked by a charging polar bear, which Sawyer shoots and kills. They are unable to send a signal with the transceiver due to the presence of another (stronger) signal, a distress call (translated by Shannon) sent by a French woman that has been playing over and over for approximately sixteen years. Back at the beach, a federal marshal wakes up during his operation and asks Jack about Kate, who, in a flashback, is escorted by the marshal on the plane. In another flashback, Charlie is shown to have smuggled a small bag of heroin onto the plane.


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